
Weeknotes 3

April 1, 2019

Not great at posting these on time. Apparently my week ends on Monday...

Work Stuff:

  • Wrapped up the POC phase for my current project and I'm happy with how it went overall. Will be a little bit of an opportunity to reset, but rolling into the main build phase soon. Have some new hands on deck as well, which is exciting.
  • I'm also spending some time getting prepped for DrupalCon by way of a couple of related and somewhat under wraps projects. One is something physical that I designed (kind of), which I haven't done in quite a while. It should arrive just in time for me to bring along to Seattle. The second thing less surprisingly is a website.
  • The DrupalCon related website I'm working on is a Gatsby project. After what I've learned over the past year or so, starting a Gatsby project from scratch feels really efficient, fun, and comfortable. I've even got automated deployments going. The one thing that has proven tricky has been getting Storybook working with some of the things I'm doing in Gatsby. The Gatsby docs got me most of the way there, but then I had to track this issue down in order to get Storybook working with Gatsby's static query component. Even after all of that, I'm still running into some issues with the way I'm using CSS Modules.
  • Speaking of CSS Modules, I attended a great webinar on CSS Modules and other CSS-in-JS solutions from Amazee Labs and John Albin.

Personal Stuff:

  • Colin and I have been playing through Yoshi's Crafted World. We're enjoying it thus far - not very challenging, but fun, relaxing, and very creative. Some of the co-op mechanics are kind of rage inducing though - you'll find yourself jumping on your partner's back or swallowing them unintentionally at just the wrong time.
  • Got tipped off that I received a shout out in my old college comedy pal Jon Gabrus' podcast High and Mighty during the Cheap Beer episode. As you can imagine, it's related to some big time college shenanigans.